Assertive Communication When Promoting a Workplace Health & Safety Program

The purpose of this article is to examine how assertive communication can influence an employer to implement a successful health and safety program. Communication is not just the simple transference of a message. It is a mutual exchange of understanding and ideas that lead to co-operation and better workplace practices. Communication is an essential factor in the success of any workplace vision, policy, or program. Communication allows management functions, such as planning, organizing, directing, managing, staffing, assessing and controlling to run smoothly. It is a collaborative process that allows people to exchange ideas and information. It is what makes an organization thrive and be successful.

How to Communicate

            Although using an assertive communication style is not always easy for people, there are a variety of ways that you can utilize it when conveying your wants, needs and ideas. Memos, e-mails, messages, webinars, in-person staff meetings, virtual group and department meetings are all places where using assertiveness can help you achieve the outcome you strive for.


When communicating your vision, the employer should get excited about implementing a safety program. In accompaniment with the vision, an assertive communicator must set aside time for engagement, sharing of thoughts, ideas and opinions, good eye contact and proper body language. You must be able to maintain control of a room in a respectful manner. Becoming assertive does not mean that you will always get what you want, however it can help you achieve a compromise. 

Confidence in the Message

When conveying a message, you must ensure that the core purpose is to address the importance of a health and safety program. You should express urgency so management senses the importance of your message. Displaying confidence and assertiveness will keep your audience thinking holistically.

The Need for a Safety Program

Management must be educated on the necessity of a health and safety program. Explain the laws associated with the workplace and the intentions you have. Providing industry facts and statistics regarding injury and preventative measures will help drive the message. Illustrate risk analysis, case stories, and return on investment analysis to show the value and benefit of safety compliance. Be persuasive that the organization will benefit from it.

Employee Safety

Motivating the employer is essential because their motivation is critical for success. They most likely want a safe working environment. Having two lines of communication discussing what they have in place is crucial for success.

Presenting goals you have in mind that will align with business goals management has is important. A critical thinking mindset is essential, have a systematic approach, a well-structured process that will support any argument.


Discuss how reputation is important.A well-organized company enjoys a competitive advantage over other companies. It ensures that the customers and clients stay loyal to the company.

Required Policies

            Communicate the elements of a safety program needed and explain how the elements will affect the organization.

Resources and Leadership

            Go over the process of providing the correct training for your employees and eliminate the chances of harm. Interact and talk about how you will be held liable for an incident without training and education which could have serious consequences.

Ask for some input

            Being open-minded to the position of others helps you grow as a leader. It is important to be empathetic to your listener as it allows you to build common ground. Use clear and concise language and allow your listener to ask questions. An assertive communication style does not just mean the language that you use when talking, it means being an active listener to your audience. 


            Discuss how everyone must be responsible for contributing to the program. Senior management is responsible for developing and implementing the health program, while other workers like supervisors and workers are responsible for other components of the program.

Assess results

            Show management that you are here to ensure a safe workplace by eliminating hazards through engineering design, training, safe work procedures and evaluation.

Show results

            When people begin to see positive results by implementing a safety program, they are motivated to get on board and contribute to safety.

Summarize Key Points to Management

  • Purpose
  • Management commitment
  • The need
  • Employee involvement
  • Reputation
  • Policies
  • Resources
  • Implementation
  • Follow up, audit, improve
  • Document for continued success


            Assertiveness is based on balance. You need to be upfront about your wants and needs, while still considering the rights, needs and wants of other people. To communicate effectively, clearly identify your values, boundaries and ideas. 
